How Retail Gates Can Help Stop Thieves in Their Tracks

Post by: admin - October 9, 2017
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Theft is a key concern for retail businesses around the world. Figures from the Global Retail Theft Barometer, published by Inside Retail, reveal that shoplifting and employee theft are the biggest causes of retail shrinkage, which costs Australian retailers nearly $3 billion every year.

Let’s take a look at some trends in retail theft, and how retail security gates can help supermarkets and other retail stores to deter thieves.

Risk factors and trends in retail theft

The Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) states there are a number of risk factors and trends in retail theft. These include:

  • Store floorplans with numerous exits and easy-access change rooms can give sticky-fingered shoppers the chance to conceal goods and slip out undetected.
  • Stores without security guards or gates have an increased theft risk.
  • Teenagers make up a huge chunk of the shoplifting population.
  • Catching shoplifters is difficult and rarely happens.
  • Background checks and well-communicated anti-theft policies can be useful in cutting down on employee theft.

The role retail security gates can play in deterring theft

According to the AIC, research shows that access control is one of the most effective measures, alongside employee education, for reducing theft within a retail setting. Interestingly, the combined research studies note the impact of standalone CCTV as unclear and suggest it is most effective when implemented as part of a larger multi-faceted approach, while access control showed marked effectiveness on six out of seven occasions.

How Rotech can help

At Rotech, we specialise in access control solutions. Our Ecoport automatic supermarket gate is a functional and reliable access solution for all retail environments, including:

  • Supermarkets
  • Pharmacies
  • Liquor stores
  • Automotive and discount stores
  • Gymnasiums and sporting venues

The Ecoport is safe, fast and secure, featuring electronic sensing monitors, adjustable microwave radar that allows for fast opening as soon as a person is detected, anti-tampering mechanisms that sound an alert if someone tries to force the gate and can be reset without expert knowledge, and a durable 6mm thick steel housing.

The chrome finish looks polished and attractive and suits all retail settings. You can even add matching barrier rails and posts to guide customers beyond the pay point. Set up couldn’t be simpler. Operating optimisation and testing occurs in our workshop, allowing for an economical installation at your premises.

When it comes to retail theft, the old adage about prevention being better than cure rings true. When shoplifters or thieves aren’t caught, goods aren’t recovered. Restricting access with an automatic gate makes it harder for a thief to abscond – so much harder they might even reconsider pilfering the product in the first place.

The Ecoport automatic supermarket entrance gate is one of many solutions in Rotech’s range of retail security gates. Talk to us about how we can help you reduce the risk of theft in your retail business.

Trends in Controlling Pedestrian Movement

Post by: admin - July 12, 2017
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Whether a stadium, entertainment venue or large commercial business, if your premises plays host to large numbers of people, then the control of pedestrian movement is essential.

Safety is the number one concern. Regulating the movements of customers, clients, visitors, and external contractors is an important risk mitigation strategy for any business. Second to that is security, including protection against theft of goods.

The options for controlling pedestrian movement have evolved with the need for increased safety and security and faster more efficient operation. Manual gates are still valuable in the right circumstances, but automated options – including turnstiles, pedestrian barriers, flap barriers, and rapid access gates – have raised the bar.

Let’s look at some of the latest products available to manage pedestrian movement.


These can range from full height security turnstiles, for situations where access to sensitive areas needs close monitoring, to waist height turnstiles – an excellent access limitation measure to enable basic clearance checks.

These are great for areas with a lot of foot traffic, such as sporting venues and office buildings. Some models even include memory storage, which remembers the number of swipe cards presented and keeps the turnstile unlocked until the last person to swipe their card has passed.

Flap barriers

Flap pedestrian barriers offer a modern sophisticated look and are an ideal security measure for entry points into businesses requiring an additional level of screening.

They are fast and suited to high-volume foot traffic areas. They also prevent pedestrian ‘tailgating’ and entry from the incorrect direction; an added security feature not provided by swing gates and waist-high turnstiles.

Drop Arm rapid access gates

Drop arm access gates have two major advantages over turnstiles and flap barriers.

Sleek cabinet designs fit into areas where normal turnstiles would not and the wider passageway allows access for wheelchairs and contractors with bulky work equipment.

Automatic and manual pedestrian gates

These security solutions are perfect to prevent shoplifting from supermarkets, pharmacies, liquor stores and other retailers.

Radars or beams detect movement and open the gate as customers enter the shop.  When combined with barrier rails they guide the customer past the checkout and prevent customers exiting through the entrance without paying.

Manual gates are also a great low-cost choice for closing checkouts and restricting access to areas with lower foot traffic.

There are many great options available to control pedestrian movement and add a layer of security to your commercial or industrial premises. Contact us for a discussion of your business’s requirements.

How automated gate openers boost security and profit

Post by: admin - April 26, 2017
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It doesn’t matter whether you operate an industrial, commercial or retail business – you are not immune to theft. 

It is increasingly important to understand how to better protect your property, minimise your business’s vulnerability to opportunistic thieves and increase your profitability.

Factors such as:

  • reduced investment in loss prevention methods by businesses
  • a perception pilfering is a low risk/non-offensive crime
  • the ease of sale of stolen goods online

means businesses face ever increasing challenges and losses due to theft.

Losses due to theft are an avoidable chunk of revenue that could be lifting your bottom-line

Research undertaken by the Australian Institute of Criminology highlighted access control as an important tool businesses should include in their crime prevention strategy…

“Access control aims to increase the effort associated with committing an offence, usually though the
alteration of the physical environment or surroundings to make crimes more difficult.”

Using automated internal and external gates and barriers to control access is a proven and highly effective method of preventing unauthorised access and managing security.

Using automated gates to improve security and profitability

There is increasing local and international concern about crimes against small business.  Australia has over 1.9 million small businesses and proportionally there are more crimes committed against businesses than households – the most common being burglary followed by theft.

Australian Federal Police statistics show workplace theft costs Australian businesses about $1.5 billion a year and the problem is growing.

If your industrial yard, warehouse or commercial business is prone to theft using an automated gate can be an effective and efficient solution.

Controlling Access

Teamed with remote control, key card or keypad options – using an automatic gate opener to control heavy-duty swing gates and sliding gates can significantly prevent access for unauthorised vehicles and would-be burglars.

Depending on the nature of your business, automatic boom gates may provide a better alternative to swing or sliding gates as they allow for fast vehicle access while allowing security guards to manage stock control at exit points.

Alternatively, full height turnstiles are becoming a popular option for businesses that require a high level of pedestrian security for visitors and recording time and attendance of employees.  Combined with an anti-climb mesh and a card reader, a full height turnstile is highly effective method of restricting access.

Minimising Opportunity

Human error can foster opportunistic crime – how many times have you or a staff member forgotten to close the gate after entering or exiting?  By installing an automated gate opener you won’t need to worry about entry points accidentally being left wide open for thieves.  An adjustable automatic close timer minimises the time available to pass through the gate making it difficult for unauthorised access.

No power – no problem

In the event of a power failure, automatic gate openers can be operated via a battery pack, which can increase the security in times of vulnerability, providing peace of mind that property is protected whatever the circumstances.

If you are thinking about upgrading your business security, Rotech can help, providing a full range of automated gate openers, boom gates, turnstiles and supermarket gates.  Talk to the experts about solutions for protecting your bottom line.

Related Blog Topics:

What you ought to know before choosing a sliding gate operator

Rotech Boom gate and pedestrian Gate combo saving lives

Post by: admin - January 31, 2017
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Workplace Health & Safety Laws in Australia are among the toughest in the world.  While a safe working environment is a high priority for most businesses – when safety issues are ignored the costs are high – both for the person injured and for the business.

From 2003 to 2015:

  • over 7400 work-place injuries were caused by forklift accidents in Australia
  • 50% of forklift accidents involved pedestrians and resulted in 68 pedestrian deaths.

                                                                                                              (Ref: and Worksafe)

In a recent case where a forklift accident caused a severe injury to an employee, a well-known manufacturer was ordered to pay a civil penalty of $150,000 for the breach.

Minimising the Risk

In a situation where employee walkways cross areas where heavy industrial vehicles are operating there is the potential for something to go terribly wrong – it is simply a matter of time.

An obvious solution to this problem is to separate pedestrians from forklifts.  While designated pedestrian walkways do separate the vehicle traffic from pedestrian thoroughfares it doesn’t go far enough, particularly in areas where the pedestrian traffic and the forklift traffic intersect.

Boom Gate and Pedestrian Gate combo diagram

This situation can be easily managed with the installation of automatic pedestrian swing gates on the walkway and a boom gate across road.  Electric locking mechanisms manage the operation of the gates to ensure only one gate is open at a time.

If you are looking for a solution to a vehicle or pedestrian access control issue – we are confident that, with our extensive range and high level of expertise, we will be able to provide you with a customised resolution to suit your situation.

Rotech’s range of automatic boom gates are designed to ensure quick, safe and secure vehicle access control.

Our pedestrian swing gate openers with electronic safety and positive locking provide the safest and most efficient option for industrial gates.

Rotech offers multiple options across our considerable product range including solar powered equipment. Customised solutions can also be provided for specific applications involving vehicle or pedestrian access control.

For more information about our product range call Alan Roberts at Rotech on (07) 3250 1123.

New TriStar F21 full height turnstile – faster, safer and more secure

Post by: admin - November 16, 2016
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The TriStar F21 Full Height Turnstile now features an innovative battery back-up system providing a level of security not available before on an Australian made turnstile. The increased height over the previous model adds to accessibility without compromising on security.

Until recently turnstiles were simply considered part of a building or facility’s overall security plan. Today, the increasing threat of extremist activity has meant the demand for heightened security afforded by access control equipment, such as turnstiles, is being pushed to the forefront.

The Lindt Cafe hostage situation brought home the reality that Australia was not immune to acts of terror. After this tragic event many organisations increased their security to protect their employees – businesses such as television stations, corporate offices and strategic manufacturing facilities installed one of Rotech‘s full height turnstiles soon after.

The preferred means and methods of securing properties and facilities are changing rapidly. The need for traditional applications, such as perimeter fence line control or access to amusement venues, large events centres, sports stadiums and industrial facilities continues to remain strong. However developers and building owners are now more willing to consider physical barriers for security and are increasingly looking for access control systems that offer the right combination of security, user comfort and personal safety to enhance and add value to their building.

Rotech’s TriStar F21 full height turnstile offers the optimum level of secure access and the required robustness for use outdoors or indoors.

Security – personnel tracking

The ability to be able to quickly determine which employees have entered or exited the building is a key piece of information when ensuring no one is left behind in an urgent evacuation situation. This is easily handled by the TriStar F21 full height turnstile – when used in tandem with an access control system operators can:

  • Monitor the time and attendance of each individual
  • Track the movement of visitors in or out
  • Restrict access by unauthorised people.

With an increased requirement for security monitoring the new status indication system allows the operator to see when the turnstile is closed and if the entry (or exit) is freewheeling. The emergency key release is also monitored.

Rotech's Australian Made TriStar Full Height Turnstile
Australian Made TriStar Full Height Turnstile

Unique Battery Back-up Operation

The TriStar F21 full height turnstile‘s innovative battery back-up system handles power outages automatically. On power failure the built-in relay automatically initiates the battery back-up system and sets off a loud warning siren indicating that the turnstile is now operating on battery back-up system. The turnstile can operate normally on back up for up to 3000 cycles.

This is a particularly important feature in an emergency situation where the access control system needs to continue receive information and monitor movement through the turnstile when normal power sources fail.


The TriStar F21 turnstile addresses any accessibility concerns with it‘s increased internal height to 2100mm and wide entrance allowing easy access for personnel wearing hard hats, carrying tools and equipment while still preventing tailgating or piggy backing.

This reliable, low maintenance turnstile incorporates soft start and stop technology which enables even children to easily move the rotating arms without compromising on safety and security.


The TriStar F21 is compatible with all access control systems and special features can be incorporated into our standard design.

Solar panel operation and a portable version are available making the TriStar F21 full height turnstile suitable for remote areas, building sites or positions were it is difficult to get power to.

The customisation options available with the TriStar F21 turnstile are endless. Whatever your specific security requirement Rotech’s access control products can provide a tailored solution.

We have been fulfilling all types of automation control demands for more than 15 years – we are certain that with our extensive range and high level of expertise, we will be able to provide you and your business with a customised solution to suit your need.

For more information about Rotech’s Pedestrian Access Control  products visit our Turnstiles and Flap Barriers  page.

Call Alan Roberts at ROTECH on 07 3250 1123.

De Costi Seafood’s Production Area Access Control System

Post by: admin - May 31, 2016
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When it comes to De Costi Seafood, Australia’s leading Seafood Company, the first thing that comes to mind is quality. They are extremely particular about their product as well as service. In order to provide the best to their consumers, they not only need to ensure that they provide fresh seafood, but also maintain the hygiene levels at their processing sites.

To control the entry and exit into their production areas and ascertain that the workers maintain a high level of hygiene, they required a smart solution. De Costi Seafood was in need of an access control system that could regulate the movement of personnel to and from the production areas. They also needed to make sure that the workers washed their hands and then use a disinfectant before entering those areas.
At the entry i DiCosti2 nto Production, De Costi Seafood has a ‘Sanitising room’ and every worker is required to wash his hands and walk through an automated foot bath, which then leads to the turnstile provided by Rotech.  This was a special turnstile made of 316-stainless steel, also known as food grade stainless steel, which made it suitable for food processing and handling. The turnstile was integrated with an Alcohol Disinfectant spray that is automatically sprayed when the staff put their hands under it. It was also connected to a hand scanner, which monitored the employees’ clock in time. So unless the employees disinfect and scan their hands, the turnstile will not unlock and they will be unable to enter the production zone.  When the employees exit the production area they use the hand scanner to clock out.

The management staff also needed to access the production area; however, since scanning their hands would deduct time off their work hours, they required a separate access control device. Generally, they would have been given access using an RFID reader and an ID card, but because the production area is a place with high exposure to water, ID cards were not a very convenient option. Rotech provided silicon wrist bands for the management, which were not only waterproof and easy to wear, but also ensured that time was not deducted from the management personnel’s work hours. The wrist bands could also be washed on a regular basis, eliminating even the slightest chances of contamination.

To maintain the hygiene of the ‘Sanitising Room’, De Costi Seafood ensures that it is cleaned and washed every night. This called for a waterproof turnstile, so the Tristar J series turnstile provided by Rotech was the perfect choice as it has IP65 protection, which makes the turnstile completely waterproof, ensuring a longer life-span.

Case Study | Access Control for 2000 Caval Ridge Mine Site Workers

Post by: admin - May 28, 2016
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When nearly 2000 mine workers access and egress the Caval Ridge site daily, one can only imagine the chaos that could occur if there was no access control. The workers were systematically transported from their accommodation village to the mine site by buses that collected and dropped them at the designated pick-up/drop-off points. However, the entry and exit of the workers to and from the site needed to be monitored.

To ensure safety and compliance with QLD Coal Mine Safety and Health Act, BMA’s primary goal was to obtain a solution that would not only facilitate easy accessibility for the workers but also capture live data of personnel who had entered/exited the site.

It was envisaged that this would be pa CavalRidge rtly achieved through the use of Badge Scan Units (BSU) to scan employee IDs at the entrance and exit of the site; and partly through a turnstile, to control the movement of personnel. BMA therefore needed a turnstile system that could be easily integrated with the Badge Scan Units.

Moreover, with a high volume of workers and only two bus pick-up/drop-off points, the potential for delays to the project was substantial should one of the BSUs or turnstiles malfunction. Hence, a turnstile with high-throughput and superior reliability was critical for BMA.

They selected TriStar J Series turnstiles from Rotech.
The waist-high turnstiles were situated at the entry and exit points of the site, and were integrated with BMA’s Badge Scan Units. This enabled the workers to swipe their ID cards to activate the turnstiles before boarding the buses or entering the site. The solution provided by Rotech also included boom gates mounted with BSUs to control vehicular traffic.

The TriStar turnstile system supplied by Rotech not only increased the efficiency of transporting personnel to and from the site, but also promoted a safer working environment by tracking and controlling mine access.

The Rotech turnstile system is capable of allowing 25 people per minute, enabling BMA to achieve a goal of a four-minute turnaround to fully load/unload each bus. Other features of the TriStar J Series turnstile that make it ideal for high volume traffic sites include:

  • Robust, stainless steel cabinet
  • Active arm which drops in case of emergency
  • Turnstile locks only if unauthorised access is attempted, reducing power consumption and wear on mechanism
  • Turnstile can be integrated with any access control system.

Rotech has over 30 years’ experience in supplying high quality turnstiles and pedestrian access solutions for industrial and commercial projects. We locally manufacture boom gates, turnstiles and industrial door operators, so our solutions can be designed and manufactured to meet customer specifications. Products can also be sourced from a worldwide network of suppliers and customised for individual customer requirements. Rotech proudly supplies customers with a fast and professional service supported by strong technical back-up.

Gate Openers Improving Passengers’ Safety and Mobility

Post by: admin - July 29, 2015
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Passenger safety and mobility are two of the biggest concerns in public transport. This is why the government invests millions of dollars on state of the art equipment, such as CCTV cameras and automated doors and gate openers, to improve security and facilitate efficient flow of traffic in public terminals.

Manual and automatic gates, including turnstiles and boom barriers, offer many benefits to passengers and staff of public transport systems, from bus and ferry terminals, to airports and train stations. They not only improve safety and security by adding an extra layer of protection for crowd control and crime prevention, but these manual and automatic security gates ensure fast and efficient flow of traffic by facilitating the movement of passengers.

Below are some areas of public transport that benefit best from using automated door and gate systems, including pedestrian gates, turnstiles and boom gates.


Large numbers of passengers frequent airports every day, making these terminals a potential target for terrorism and other crimes. For this reason, airports are installed with automatic security gates to ensure safety and security in all stages of passenger processing, from pre-screening and boarding, to immigration and after baggage collection. Fast boarding gates are used to accelerate the aircraft boarding process. Boom gates are installed to control vehicle access at airports, ensuring no unauthorised vehicle enters a restricted area. Full height turnstiles are set up in entrances where a high degree of security is required, such as airport ramps and operational spaces that are restricted from the public.

Bus, Ferry and Train Stations

Boom gates and turnstiles offer a high level of protection in bus stations and ferry terminals. Automatic security gates facilitate efficient flow of traffic since they help in ticket validation and payment processing. They also enforce one-way traffic in bus, ferry and train stations, allowing passage only to commuters who have tickets and passes. This way, it prevents unauthorised entry and ensures that passengers have paid before using any form of transport, reducing the level of fare evasion and fraud.

With automated doors and gate systems, various areas of public transport become more accessible, more reliable and more convenient for commuters. These access control systems not only improve passenger mobility and facilitate efficient flow of traffic in public terminals, but they help reduce potential threats, providing passengers with aesthetically pleasing as well as safe and secure public transport hubs.

Find automated solutions to improve passenger mobility and fare collection for any commercial and industrial facility, turn to Rotech. We provide the best automatic gate openers and gate systems, such as supermarket gates, turnstiles and boom barriers for all types of applications. Contact us at 07 3205 1123 now.

4 Simple Steps to Maintaining Turnstiles and Pedestrian Barriers

Post by: admin - June 2, 2015
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Is there a need to maintain turnstiles and other pedestrian access equipment?

As they are built to withstand prolonged and multiple use, turnstiles and pedestrian barriers such as flap gates, drop arm barriers and supermarket gates require very little maintenance once installed. However, like any equipment, it is a good idea to check them over once in a while. These machines are your investments after all, and to make the most of your investments you need to take care of them and make sure that they continue to function properly and last a long time.

There are only a few simple steps you need to follow in order to maintain the quality and performance of your pedestrian access control solutions:

1.  Clean them regularly. In retail areas pedestrian access control equipment is made to look visually pleasing. To keep them looking as good as when you brought them it is important to clean them regularly. Surfaces should be cleaned with a soft cloth and, where applicable, a good stainless steel cleaning product. Avoid using harsh cleaners as these may only damage or leave marks on any mirror finish.

2.  Check for dents, scratches and marks. Abuse of any pedestrian access equipment is the most common reason that the device may need repair or replacement. Closely monitor   your equipment and check for parts that are damaged. For full height turnstiles, check for slight bending or leaning of arms; this may signify loose rotor brackets that must be attended to before they get worse. Flaps on flap barriers and arms on supermarket gates should also be checked to ensure they have not been manually forced in any way. This might cause misalignment preventing them from opening or closing correctly.

3.  Preventative maintenance. Full height and waist height turnstiles are fully sealed with an IP65 protection. However the drop arm and flap barriers do need to be cleaned when necessary of general grime and insect infestations to keep them in optimal working order.

4.  Lubricate once a year. Use a synthetic grease to lubricate the moving parts of your machine at least once a year.

With these simple steps, you can greatly improve the longevity and durability of your turnstiles and other pedestrian barriers.

For high quality turnstiles, flap barriers, supermarket gates and gate openers, contact Rotech. We supply a superior range of pedestrian access control solutions, as well as vehicle access control solutions for a variety of applications. Get in touch with us today.

Fast-Quality-Safe-Swing Gates |Best Choice for Amusement Park

Post by: admin - December 11, 2014
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The winner of the Certificate of Excellence Award in 2013, Puzzling World is a unique attraction that has been entertaining visitors of all ages for over 40 years with their intriguing and unconventional puzzle centre, illusion rooms, 3D maze and the likes. Holding the title of the most photographed attraction in New Zealand, it witnesses 180 000 visitors per year. To control the movement of visitors and ensure security, they required an access control solution that was safe and easy to use.

They chose the Sentinel F90 Swing Gate from Rotech as it has cushion soft safety and an anti-bump feature. So if there is any resistance while it is in operation, the gate stops for a pre-set time period. Since a majority of the visitors are little children, this was a very important feature for Puzzling World; as this swing gate is easily stopped even by little children, disabled, and elderly people, eliminating any chances of gate accidents.

Also considering how busy the amusement park gets, especially during the vacations, they needed something to allow rapid access. So the fast opening speed of 1.5 seconds of the F90 was definitely an advantage. The PLC controls enable easy connection to any access control system, ensuring optimum security.

Two F90 swing gates were placed at the entrance of the 7 acre amusement park and were integrated with a barcode reader. The entrance tickets purchased by the visitors included a specific barcode. The visitors were required to swipe their tickets at the barcode reader and once approved, it unlocked the swing gates, providing access into the park.

One swing gate was also placed at the exit of the amusement park. This did not require any ticket scanning; it is operated by an infrared beam across the walkway, which is broken once people walk past and that opens the gate, offering free exit.

During an emergency or power failure, these gates will freewheel allowing rapid exit for everyone inside. Made of stainless steel, the F90 swing gate is extremely strong and durable. It is the perfect solution for pedestrian and wheelchair access, providing high standards of safety as well as security, and it also does not incur high maintenance costs.

Australian Made Portable Turnstile with Solar Power in Turnstiles

Post by: admin - August 5, 2014
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The new and improved TriStar FH full-height turnstile is based on the 15 year old Sentinel FH design, but with many new features and improved operation. It is the first Australian-made product of its kind.

The new turnstile is now easier to use than ever, and with a soft start and stop feature, it is also extremely safe, even for children. We have changed the design of the turnstile rotor to give it a more open appearance, yet not compromising on the security.

The TriStar FH is a bi-directional turnstile with a galvanised frame and rotor; it can also be made from 304 or 316 stainless steel and on request, can be powder coated in specific colours to suit your requirements. The TriStar FH could be operated for up to 3000 cycles without mains power, with a battery back-up.

It is eco-friendly and can also work on solar power, solving the problem of power supply and helping to reduce costs, as the 240V power cables wouldn’t be required. Additionally, we can provide a portable base to enable easy movement and transfer of this free standing turnstile from one site to another. Also compatible with all access control, card and proximity systems, it enables you to easily integrate the turnstile into any security system.

With an in-built status indication feature, it lets you know when the turnstile is in operation, closed, or whether it has been manually released. It also has a warning light option that flashes if the status of the turnstile is interrupted for more than 10 seconds. We can also provide the TriStar FH turnstile with a roof and an anti-climb mesh, for additional security. The FH is created to provide our customers with a safe and secure method of access control with multiple features. We provide a 2-year guarantee on the mechanism of the turnstile.

Turnstiles: Providing Secure Access to Your Facilities

Post by: admin - April 29, 2013
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Installing access control systems is essential to secure any site or establishment from unwanted or unauthorised personnel. One of the most common options businesses use in their facilities are turnstiles. Turnstiles monitor access to specific areas in a site by allowing or restricting passage to authorised personnel.

Before investing in these security systems, however, it is necessary that you learn more about the many types of turnstiles to ensure that your investment offers you the best value for money.

If you need durable and quality turnstiles for your industrial or commercial establishment, our team at Rotech can assist you.  Along with an array of door and gate automation equipment we are also one of the leading suppliers of turnstiles in Australia.We are fully capable of providing you with the system that best suits your requirements.

Types of Turnstiles

Rotech is confident that our range of turnstiles and access solutions will suit most applications. Rotech’s turnstiles are of excellent quality and are aesthetically pleasing so they will complement any building design.

  • Full height turnstiles – full height turnstiles are ideal for use in areas where the highest security is required, such as industrial plants and military installations. Rotech’s Sentinel series of full height turnstiles offers the greatest degree of security especially in facilities where there are unmanned access points. The Sentinel series allows two-way traffic, 15 people per minute throughput and are compatible with all access control systems.
  • Waist height turnstiles – these are the most common types of turnstiles used to regulate pedestrian access in buildings such as offices and gyms. Rotech offers two types of waist height turnstiles: TriStar J series and TriStar E series. Our waist height turnstiles are bi-directional, with memory input, compatibility with all access cards and 25 people per minute throughput.
  • Supermarket gates and turnstiles – Retail stores require a high quality finish on gates and turnstiles designed for pedestrian access control in supermarkets, canteens and self-service stores. Our Bulwark Manual Supermarket Turnstiles and Gates allow one-way traffic and are used along with barrier rails to guide customers to the pay point.


Benefits of Installing Turnstiles

  • Security – turnstiles improve the level of security onsite by providing a physical barrier to stop unauthorised entry or entry without the proper identification. Security teams can also easily keep track of the people going in and out of premises as turnstiles restrict access to one person at a time.
  • Savings – installing turnstiles can also bring savings to businesses as the need for security personnel can be reduced, although not completely removed. Guards can focus more on what should be done, which is security enforcement, instead of verifying IDs.
  • Convenience – since our waist height and full height turnstiles offer very fast throughput, those with authorised access to facilities can get in and out of the site conveniently without having guards checking the identity of each person.


Turnstiles can be the first line of defence in your facility, so make sure to choose only the high quality turnstiles from Rotech. Contact us today and let our team help you create a more safe and secure environment.