5 Things to Consider when Installing Solar Gate Openers

Post by: admin - June 11, 2014
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Manually opening your gates when you arrive at work or at home can be a time-consuming and inconvenient process. In the age of smart phones and wireless technology, why wouldn’t you automate a task to save you time and energy?

Technology in gate automation has advanced greatly over the past two decades. Solar gate openers are currently gaining popularity because of the numerous advantages that they have to offer. There are a number of benefits of using solar to power your gates; the biggest being that the power used is generated for free and is endlessly environmentally-friendly.

Those who are planning to utilise this technology should be well informed before making the switch; there are several considerations that must be made when installing a solar gate opener and here are some of them:

1. The type of gate you use. Different types of gates are used across various industries today. With almost infinite combinations of swinging gates, sliding gates, light or heavy-duty, steel or aluminium depending on the industry or home; the gate’s solar powered opener can be custom-made to meet the user’s operational needs.

2. The area of installation. Solar panels should be installed in an area where they can get maximum sunlight. Such areas should be away from tall buildings and trees that can cover or cast shadows on the solar panels most of the day. Placing these devices in a favourable position free from these obstructions allows them to absorb and store as much solar power as possible. Solar also offers a battery back-up feature that render them usable when the main power supply fails.

3. The gate’s workload. This factor must be determined to figure out the right size solar panel necessary for continuous operations. The size of the solar panels needed largely depends on the amount of work that the gate has to handle on a daily basis. The more it is used, the more energy is needed and the bigger the panel must be. A gate’s number of opening and closing cycles vary widely between industries. It is recommended to choose products that are rated with the most number of cycles and are longer lasting, especially for heavy-duty gates.

4. The cost. Purchasing solar gate openers is a form of investment for businesses. One must be wise when buying to make sure that the product is worth the investment. The cost of installation is also another factor to consider. While it may seem more economical to choose the lowest priced product or lowest installation rates, it is important to note that the cheapest option may not always be the best.

5. The product’s quality. When it comes to equipment of any kind, the quality should never be compromised by the cost. High quality products are proven to give optimum performance and last much longer. In the long run, high quality products can save businesses from hefty repair costs and purchasing new products to replace faulty ones.

To make the best choices and investments in solar gate openers, choose the company that has specialised in these advanced access solutions for more than 30 years, choose Rotech. We are proud providers of high quality gate openers and gate automation solutions like turnstiles and boom gates. Need your equipment customised? No problem! We specialise in customised solutions. We can build systems to meet specific commercial and industrial requirements. Give us a call and let us know how we can help. Get the security and convenience you need only from Rotech.

5 Reasons Why To Use Automated Gates

Post by: admin - April 24, 2014
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Business sites, just like the businesses themselves, are highly valuable investments and they need to be well protected from potential threats. For this reason, pedestrian access solutions are popularly used in commercial and industrial settings. Nowadays automatic boom gates, turnstiles and many other access solutions are widely used in shopping centres, hospitals, banks, car parks, transit stations, and other types of commercial establishments.

There are a number of reasons why these types of access control systems must be installed in buildings or any major business site. Owners of commercial and industrial establishments should deliberate on this matter to protect their investment. Here are some reasons why automated access solutions would be necessary.

  1. Safety and Security – These are two primary concerns in commercial and industrial buildings. In most cases, these establishments have several areas that need to be secured. One security measure that can be taken is to install turnstiles at the entrance and other significant places. These gates can only be opened by those who are allowed entry, using access cards, wristbands or tags. This reduces the risk of unauthorised entry to the premises.
  2. Controlled Access – Other than security from trespassers, automated gates also help to control the accessibility of specific areas within the business site. With automatic gates installed outside a certain area, access can be limited to particular members of the staff. This ensures that employees only enter the areas they are required to work in.
  3. Convenience – With modern technology used in these access solutions, getting in and out of the building is made easier and more convenient. Some types of gates can let through an average of 25 people per minute. There are also some designs that allow easy access for wheelchairs.
  4. Reduced Staffing –Since these gates are automated, they eliminate the need for an employee to be constantly present at the gate to control its operation. Authorised individuals can simply use their access cards to enter. This can help reduce the number of employees and save money.
  5. Cost-Effective Option – Gate openers are typically operated by a power source like electricity. But owing to the advents of new technology, now there are more cost-effective solutions available to reduce power consumption, thereby reducing the company’s expenses. Modern design changes include solar panels that absorb and store energy from sunlight. These solar panels can operate a solar gate opener without using much electrical power. Solar-powered units can operate for a day or two in the event that the main power fails.


When it comes to automated access solutions, Rotech is a name that one can rely on. We have been providing automatic gates and access solutions to many commercial and industrial companies. Our solutions can be customised to meet your needs and operational requirements. Contact us now and our friendly staff can walk you through our range of products.

Gate Openers|Unparalleled Security and Convenience

Post by: admin - December 11, 2013
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Did you ever have one of those days when nothing is going right? You spilled coffee on your expensive new suit, had to change and ended up running late for that 9am appointment. Just when you were a few metres away from work, it began to rain and unfortunately, you got soaking wet trying to open the gate (and closing it again!).

Your day wouldn’t have been so awful if you had an automatic gate opener installed. Then you could have stayed in the car, breezing through the gated driveway, and went about your day in a good mood. If you’re thinking of getting one, here are two common questions potential customers would ask about gate openers.

Why Should I Invest in Gate Openers?

That’s a good question and we’ll gladly explain why such an expenditure is worth every cent. Installing one definitely adds some style and raises the value of your property. Aside from that, you can benefit from the convenience and added protection:

1.  Saves Time with Easy Access

Unlike manually opened gates, electronic gate openers make life easier for you with the use of keypads or remote controls to automatically allow access to your property and gated driveways at your command. Gone are the days when you have to fumble with the lock and key and it’s especially convenient when it’s raining. You don’t have to get out of your car just to let yourself in.

2. Keeps Your Property Secure

Just like in residential areas, commercial properties often need added security for various reasons: to protect from theft and vandalism and for privacy as well. Clients and office staff often accidentally leave the gate open, making your property vulnerable to unauthorised entry. It can help your security personnel monitor the people coming in and out of the premises as well. If you’re planning to install one at home, children and pets are kept within the property since they can’t easily open the latch or lock with a key.

What Should I Consider Before Buying?

1. Space – Opting for an automatic swinging gate means you should have a lot of free space for it to work properly. There should be substantial clearance for your car to pass through or for the gate not to hit anything as it swings backward. If the area is a little cramped, our range of sliding gate openers is an alternative.

2. Power Supply – Are you frequently experiencing power failure in your area? The Vector Swing Gate Operator has a battery back-up that allows you to use it even when there’s a power blackout. Examine the possibility of a solar power gate opener as well if you want to reduce power consumption. While keeping your family and property safe and secure, you’re also doing your part in preserving our natural resources.

3. Type of Property – Are you going to be using automatic operators for high traffic areas? How many times will you be using the gates in a day? Those are the questions you need to ask yourself to determine what kind of operator you are going to need. Commercial establishments would require more rigid security measures compared to homes.

4. Safety – All automatic gates should be fitted with safety devices to protect vehicles and pedestrians. Most automatic gates are set to close automatically after a pre-set time and a safety ground loop or PE safety beam is normally fitted. The safety loop detects the metal in vehicles and prevents the gate from closing, while the safety PE beam will detect pedestrians.

When it comes to security and convenience, gate openers have proven to be one of the top choices of businesses and homeowners alike. As the leading supplier of gate openers and manufacturer of automatic boom gates, Rotech aims to provide you with first class products that are aimed to match your security requirements.

5 Things to Consider when Choosing the Right Boom Gate

Post by: admin - April 18, 2013
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Boom gates are one of the most useful security tools in controlling vehicle access to commercial and industrial properties. A boom gate is a bar or pole that can be lowered and raised to allow or block access to an area. They help regulate the entry of vehicles and unauthorised personnel in buildings and offices, which is why companies should consider investing in boom gates to secure their premises.

There are many kinds and designs of boom gates today that cater to a variety of purposes, and finding the correct type of boom gate is critical to ensure that you have adequate protection for your property.

Our experts at Rotech can help you identify the right product that fits your requirements with our comprehensive range of door and gate automation systems that include boom gates, among others.  To guide you in selecting the right boom gate, here are a few things you need to consider:

  1. Application – Before purchasing a boom gate, you must first determine where you will be installing it and how you will operate the boom gate. There are boom gates that are specifically designed for use in railway crossings, car parks, office complexes, factory entrances and other industrial environments. It is necessary to find one that fits your desired application correctly to ensure that it meets your needs.
  2. Frequency of operation – The duty cycle or frequency of operation of a boom gate is another factor that must be taken into account. For areas with high traffic that requires more than 500 operations a day, such as large shopping centres or airports, choosing a medium to heavy duty boom gate is highly advised. Nevertheless, there are also boom gates that are suited for areas with low traffic volumes.
  3. Size – Rotech supply boom gates with different size poles depending on the size of opening that you wish to control. Typically boom arms will be from three to six metres in length however our KL heavy duty boom gate can span openings of 12 metres. This is especially useful when companies have oversized vehicles, such as mine sites and rail crossings.
  4. Features – Many of these boom gates come with battery backup, high opening speeds and solar power compatibility. Selecting boom gates that can be fitted with important security devices, such as PE safety beams, loop detectors, flashing safety lights and radio controls are also preferable especially for high risk areas.
  5. Price – Your choice of boom gates would also largely depend upon your budget. However, you should never compromise safety in place of lower costs. Be sure to choose a durable boom gate to suit the right application at a price you can afford.


When it comes to selecting the right boom gates to maintain heightened security in your property, our team at Rotech can help. We are a trusted supplier and manufacturer of high quality boom gates that include the Sentinel NV series, Sector DC boom gate and Sentinel KL series.

Rotech has been providing superior door and gate automation products in Australia since 1999 and we are proud to continue our mission of bringing only high quality products such as boom gates, gate openers, full and waist height turnstiles, supermarket gates and a range of related safety and security products. We encourage you to contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.